Home Care Services

Having to care for someone you love or realising that you or someone you love now requires care can be an upsetting and stressful time. None of us want to have to rely on others to cope with our daily lives. None of us want to have to leave our homes, where we are surrounded by the things, people and memories we love. At CAHG we specialise in delivering care to the community to allow our Clients to remain in their homes for as long as possible.

We offer a comprehensive range of services to cover every aspect of Personal care:

Getting Up



Personal Grooming

Continence Care

Meal Preparation


Going to Bed

Contact Us

Cheshire East & Northwich:
01625 900 985

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Cheshire West & Wirral:

01244 662 741
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Warrington & Halton:

01925 652 800
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Palliative Care

We understand how distressing it can be to have a loved one with a terminal illness.

It is important to remember that you are not alone, We are here to help by providing specialist day to day support so that you and your family can make the most of your time together.

Having palliative care at home means your loved one can remain in the place they feel most comfortable, surrounded by their memories and the people they love. With the one-to-one support of a trained, compassionate carer, who is experienced in palliative care, you have specialist support whenever you need it.

We provide a full range of care services for palliative and end-of-life care. For personal care, administering medication, cooking meals or sharing memories over a cup of tea, we cover whatever you need.

Can we help, Contact us now

Convalescing & Respite Care

No matter how committed you are to the needs of your loved one, it is important to make time for yourself. We are here to step in, at those times when you need to step out.

We understand how stressful and tiring caring for a loved one can be on a family. You may spend most of your time every day caring for a friend or family member, even at night, you may not completely relax, always consciously aware and alert to the needs of the person you’re caring for.

Having some time to yourself and respite breaks is important and can help you to relax and feel better.

Whether you just need to nip out to the shops, catch up with friends or simply need some me time, our fully trained, professional and compassionate Carers allow you to leave your loved one in our care – with confidence.